Equality Diversity and Bilingualism

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It is important that you remain professional at all times and meet good practice requirements in relation to equality and diversity. Equal access to all assessments should be given regardless of age, gender, religion, ethnic group, disability or geographical location providing they are capable of achieving the standards.

Be aware of any circumstances in which discrimination can occur and can be avoided. To avoid gender discrimination, you could use words like a person instead of a man, and use pictures in handouts or PowerPoints to reflect different races and cultures. Assessment methods should be chosen to meet the learner’s needs, and reflect the diverse nature of the group. The learner must always be fully included in the assessment process, and you must be fully supportive to all learners without actually making anyone feel uncomfortable or different.

A learner may have a speech impediment and extra time may be needed for them to finish speaking before continuing or being interrupted. A learner with a disability could possibly be better assessed in a more comfortable location where suitable access and support systems are available if they prefer.

Also to avoid any discrimination against disability, for example, if a learner was in a wheelchair, by enabling ease of access around any obstacles, including other learners belongings, along corridors and around doorways will make them feel more inclusive.

For hard of hearing learners, it is important to face the learner at all times when speaking to them.

Learners who have English as a second language, if acceptable with the awarding organisation, could complete assessments in their first language. In this case, assessment materials could possibly be translated. As an assessor, you must make sure that any translations you receive are accurate.

Bilingual assessments should also be offered to the learner where possible. Extra time may be required to complete an assessment task so flexibility will be necessary. Cultural or religious requirements need to be catered for which may include refreshments to suit various diets or a prayer room may need to be available.

If any assessments need to be adapted and the award is by an accredited organisation, you would need to check with the awarding organisation first so that you can ensure the criteria will still be met. The Equality Act (2010) which encompasses the seven protected characteristics must be complied with at all times.

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 protects disabled people from discrimination, and in September 2002 the DDA was extended to include education, it states disabled learners are not to be treated less favourably for reasons related to their disability, and it requires organisations to make reasonable adjustments for disabled learners where necessary.