Function of IQA

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Firstly we need to explore what internal quality assurance is. The definition of quality assurance is the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.

Considering this in the learning and development environment is relatively straight forward and easy to comprehend. When delivering teaching, we are concerned with a number of factors. These include; delivering a consistently high standard of quality and meeting all learning outcomes. This is why IQA is critical in this environment.

A big problem for large companies that employ more than one instructor, is maintaining a consistent approach to teaching. A course may have the same outcomes however, it will be delivered in a different way by different trainers. As with learners, teachers also have their natural learning and teaching preferences and they will naturally deliver in this style. It's not that one one style of teaching is right and another wrong, as long as the same outcomes are met.

There are many influences that can change the way that training is delivered including personal preference and the trainers interpretation of set training plans. If this is not managed correctly, this can hinder the learning of students. Differences and problems can often be identified through effective Internal Quality Assurance.

If assessments are inconsistent this could indicate that the teacher has a lack of confidence when making judgments and that more standardisation is required. It is important that assessments are standardised and this forms part of the Internal Quality Assurers role. The Internal Quality Assurers can produce and monitor action plans agreed by teachers and learners. IQA’s look at the process and evaluate what is working and what isn’t.

IQA’s will often facilitate standardisation meetings, these meetings include all or some of the teachers who deliver the same sessions. It is important that the IQA understands the challenges faced in each session and how marking can differ between teachers. During standardisation meetings, we are able to discuss these issues and ensure that relevant steps are taken to ensure consistency in marking.

When carrying out internal quality assurance, you must ensure that teachers:

  • Have confidence in the teaching they are delivering
  • Hold relevant qualifications
  • That the training is well planned, sufficient and overall a good use of the learners time.

Internal Quality Assurance allows us to ensure that the teaching delivered is at least in line with industry standards.

Internal quality assurance ensures both quality and effective teaching has taken place. Ultimately the IQA’s role is to ensure the integrity and quality of assessments, so we must make sure that effective procedures and resources are in place to achieve this whilst providing support to all assessors.

Internal quality assurance is a requirement for an Awarding Body. The IQA ensures quality, standardisation and that all standards are being followed. The IQA also meets with the awarding bodies external quality assurance team so they can confirm that there are no issues and where there are problems found, the EQA will guide the centre to improving training or quality assurance.

Where a centre constantly performs well at internal verification then the awarding body may implement a more lenient verification process, this could be done by remote sampling or percentage sampling. Direct claim status or DCS can then be granted so qualifications can be claimed faster without first being cleared by the awarding body.