Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Building a session plan introduction

Video 34 of 45
1 min 31 sec
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Building an Effective Session Plan: Introduction, Body, and Summary

Introduction to Session Planning

Understanding Session Structure: Session plans are essential for organising teaching sessions effectively.

The Introduction Section

Start with a clear introduction:

  • Setting the Scene: Outline the day's agenda, ground rules, and health and safety considerations.
  • Icebreaker Activity: Engage learners with an icebreaker to foster a positive learning environment.
  • Objectives: Define session aims and desired outcomes.

The Body Section

Delve into the core teaching activities:

  • Teaching Methods: Employ effective learning approaches and teaching strategies.
  • Assessment Tools: Utilise appropriate resources for assessing learner progress.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate activities that enhance engagement and understanding.

The Summary Section

Conclude with a comprehensive summary:

  • Reviewing Objectives: Reinforce session aims and outcomes.
  • Key Takeaways: Summarise main points covered during the session.

Whether planning a brief micro-teach or an extensive full-day course, maintaining a structured approach ensures consistency and clarity throughout the teaching session.