Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching


Understanding roles, responsibilities, and boundaries is crucial in teaching, though some aspects may be beyond your control.

Roles of a Teacher

Roles encompass various responsibilities that teachers must adhere to:

  • Initial Assessments: Ensure accurate completion of initial assessments.
  • Identifying Barriers: Recognise barriers to learning and learner needs.
  • Planning and Resources: Effectively plan lessons and procure necessary resources.
  • Reviews and Delivery: Conduct reviews and deliver courses professionally.

Embedding Functional Skills

Include functional skills like English, Maths, and ICT within your sessions.

Establishing Ground Rules

Establish and negotiate ground rules to foster inclusivity and effective learning:

  • Inclusive Teaching: Ensure teaching is inclusive and engages all students.
  • Use of Names: Create a welcoming environment by using learners' names.
  • Variety in Teaching Methods: Use diverse methods such as icebreakers to enhance inclusivity.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assess all learners according to awarding organisation requirements:

  • Self-Evaluation: Reflect on your own teaching practice.
  • Learner Evaluation: Obtain feedback from learners to improve teaching methods.

All these aspects are part of the Teacher and Learning Cycle, contributing to effective teaching practices.