Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Completing assignments - part 6

Video 31 of 45
3 min 46 sec
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Importance of Keeping Records in Assessment


Assignment Focus: Explain the necessity of record-keeping in assessment and describe the types of records maintained in your organisation.

Role and Environment Overview

To begin, clarify your role and outline your working environment. Record-keeping involves maintaining both teacher and learner records.

Teacher Records

  • Initial application forms
  • Session plans
  • Schemes of work
  • Professional discussions

Learner Records

  • Results of learning styles questionnaires
  • Assessment results (tests, quizzes)

Who Needs Access?

Identify stakeholders who require access to these records:

  • Assessors
  • Internal quality assurers
  • Centre managers
  • External quality assurers
  • Awarding bodies (e.g., Futurequals, Ofqual)

Organizational Assessment Records

Consider assessment records necessary for larger organisations:

  • Initial assessments
  • Final assessments
  • Formative assessments (e.g., quizzes, group work)

These records validate assessment and quality assurance processes within the organisation.