Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Teaching Cycle

Video 15 of 45
8 min 56 sec
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Understanding the Teaching and Learning Cycle

Exploring the Teaching Cycle

The teaching cycle encompasses various stages that guide effective teaching and evaluation:

  • Initial Assessment: Identifying learner needs and capabilities.
  • Planning and Design: Developing clear aims, objectives, and session plans.
  • Facilitating Learning: Implementing teaching methods and adapting as needed.
  • Assessing Learning: Evaluating learner progress and understanding.
  • Quality Assurance and Evaluation: Reviewing and improving the teaching process.

Initial Assessment: Identifying Learner Needs

The initial assessment determines learner capabilities and requirements:

  • Assessment methods include forms, interviews, and evaluations of previous education.
  • Identifying learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, or dyscalculia.
  • Adjusting teaching methods and materials based on learner needs.

Planning and Design: Creating Effective Courses

Developing comprehensive course plans and materials:

  • Establishing clear aims, objectives, and learning outcomes.
  • Creating schemes of work and detailed session plans.
  • Considering teaching approaches, resources, and assessment procedures.
  • Adapting environment and facilities to enhance learning experiences.

Facilitating Learning: Delivering Effective Training

Engaging learners and applying structured teaching methods:

  • Setting ground rules and facilitating interactive sessions.
  • Incorporating functional skills and professional codes of practice.
  • Utilizing varied learning approaches and adapting methods for effectiveness.

Assessing Learning: Evaluating Progress and Achievement

Evaluating learner performance and ensuring assessment integrity:

  • Conducting assessments through observations, tests, and assignments.
  • Maintaining confidentiality and adhering to assessment criteria.
  • Providing constructive feedback to support learner development.

Quality Assurance and Evaluation: Ensuring Effective Delivery

Reviewing and improving teaching practices and course outcomes:

  • Reviewing student and tutor evaluations.
  • Updating schemes of work and session plans based on feedback.
  • Continuously enhancing teaching, assessment, and evaluation processes.

By following this cycle, educational institutions ensure effective delivery and continuous improvement in teaching practices.