Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Leading a session - your introduction

Video 36 of 45
8 min 43 sec
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Effective Session Introduction in Education and Training

Overview of Introduction Section

Introduction: The introduction sets the tone for the session, guiding learners through what to expect and ensuring a smooth start.

Key Components of the Introduction

  • Introduction of the Trainer: Establishes rapport and introduces the session leader.
  • Health and Safety: Covers emergency procedures, fire safety, and first aid provisions.
  • Welfare Facilities: Includes information on toilets, drinking facilities, and break times.
  • Ground Rules: Outlines behavioural expectations and may include negotiated rules with learners.
  • Ice-Breaker Activity: A brief activity to introduce learners and encourage interaction.
  • Aim and Learning Outcomes: States the objectives and what learners will achieve by the end of the session.

Each component is crucial for creating a supportive and structured learning environment.

Implementation in Session Planning

When planning a session, each element of the introduction should be carefully timed and presented:

  • Timing: Aim to complete the introduction within the first 10-13 minutes, adjusting for session length.
  • Visual Aids: Use PowerPoint slides or other visual aids to reinforce key points and keep learners engaged.
  • Resources: List and categorise resources used, such as PowerPoint slides, for clear referencing.

By effectively managing the introduction, trainers ensure learners feel informed, safe, and ready to engage in the session.