Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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As a teacher, you also have a number of responsibilities, including making sure that you attend any professional upgrades you need to do, that your CPD is taken seriously and you dress appropriately. You will also have to adhere to any rules laid down by the company you will be teaching at, adhere to their codes of conduct at all times and you may need to register for a DBS check.

Make sure you provide good advice and guidance to your students in an honest and trustworthy way and consider sign-posting them to internal or external sources to help them obtain grants or access funding. Other responsibilities could include agreeing on individual learning plans, risk assessing, designing schemes of work and to write session plans. It is crucial that you have all the equipment in place that you need to be able to teach and liaise with other people within your organisation. Make sure your sessions are carried out correctly, make sure you act and speak appropriately and ensure that you never embarrass anybody. Fill in all paperwork that is required, ensuring that records are kept up-to-date and adhere to health and safety requirements, including knowing the fire evacuation drill and where the relevant muster points are and who the first aiders are.

You need to follow any professional values and ethics and if someone is absent from a course, you may need to find out why and if there is anything you can do to help them. Use appropriate teaching methods and approaches, ensuring individuals and group learning styles or VARK are considered. Classroom tidiness and generally keeping the place clean could be part of the ground rules. Your responsibility for assessment can include assessing learners, giving constructive feedback, using formative and summative assessments and peer and self-evaluation by learners is important and needs to be monitored by you. Make sure that the records for everyone's individual training is kept up-to date.

The final responsibility around evaluation and quality assurance can be varied. It may be this is simply communicating with other people or evaluating what work has been done to ensure it has been done correctly and that the necessary changes are implemented for other courses.