Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Teacher Responsibilities and Professional Ethics


Being a teacher comes with a range of responsibilities and ethical considerations that are vital for effective teaching and maintaining professional standards.

Professional Development

Ensure continuous professional development (CPD) through relevant training and upgrades. Dress appropriately and adhere to company rules and codes of conduct.

DBS Check and Compliance

Register for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check if required by your teaching role. Adhere to all organisational rules and regulations.

Student Guidance

Provide honest and trustworthy advice to students. Sign-post them to internal or external resources for grants and funding opportunities.

Learning and Planning

Agree on individual learning plans, conduct risk assessments, and design comprehensive schemes of work and session plans.

Teaching Execution

Ensure all necessary teaching equipment is available. Conduct sessions professionally, acting appropriately and respecting all individuals.

Documentation and Compliance

Complete required paperwork promptly, maintain up-to-date records, and adhere to health and safety regulations including fire evacuation procedures and first aid protocols.

Professional Values and Ethics

Adhere to professional values and ethics in all aspects of teaching. Address student absences sensitively and offer support where possible.

Teaching Methods and Assessment

Use appropriate teaching methods considering individual and group learning styles (VARK). Maintain classroom tidiness and enforce ground rules.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assess learners effectively, provide constructive feedback, and utilise formative and summative assessments. Monitor peer and self-evaluation processes.

Evaluation and Quality Assurance

Engage in evaluation processes to ensure teaching quality and implement necessary improvements for future courses.