Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Leading a session - your summary

Video 38 of 45
4 min 49 sec
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Summary and Conclusion in Session Planning

Introduction to Session Components

Introduction Recap: After outlining the introduction, the subsequent focus is on the session body and summary.

The Importance of the Session Body

The body constitutes the core teaching segment, where the primary content is delivered and assessed.

Understanding the Summary

The summary marks the conclusion of the session, providing a recap and assessment of learning outcomes.

Restatement of Aims and Outcomes

Reiterate the session's aims and learning outcomes to ensure comprehension and achievement.

Interactive Feedback

Engage learners in a dialogue to verify learning and address any outstanding queries or concerns.

Conclusion and Closure

Conclude the session with a brief summary, thanking learners for their participation and inviting final questions.