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45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Introduction to Harvard Referencing

Video 41 of 45
2 min 14 sec
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Guide to Harvard Referencing

Understanding the Basics of Academic Research

When writing academic work, thorough research is essential. This involves reviewing existing literature to support arguments and discussions.

Importance of Referencing

Referencing: Essential for validating research, acknowledging sources, and avoiding plagiarism.

Harvard Referencing System

The preferred method in UK academic institutions for citing sources.

Key Benefits of Harvard Referencing

  • Validation: Proves thorough research.
  • Credit: Acknowledges original authors' work.
  • Plagiarism Prevention: Ensures originality and integrity of your work.

Introduction to Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing is widely accepted in universities and training providers.

Process Overview: Citing vs Referencing

Citing: Incorporating source information within your text.

Referencing: Providing full source details in a separate section.

Application in Your Work

Understanding how to apply both citing and referencing effectively.

Exploring Harvard Referencing Techniques

Learn different methods to apply Harvard Referencing in your academic work.