Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Completing your learning journals

Video 33 of 45
2 min 39 sec
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Completing Learning Journals: Reflective Practice and Professional Development

Introduction to Learning Journals

Importance of Reflective Practice: Learning journals are crucial for reflecting on your learning journey throughout the course. It's not merely about jotting down points but reflecting deeply on your experiences.

What Have You Learned?

Reflect on each assignment:

  • Assignment One Example: Learnings about roles, responsibilities, and the teaching cycle.

How You've Developed

Apply reflective practice:

  • Identify newfound knowledge or insights, e.g., understanding the teaching cycle.
  • Plan actions based on your learnings, e.g., integrating the teaching cycle into professional practice.
  • Review roles and responsibilities regularly to stay updated.

Completing Your Learning Journals

Emphasise actionable insights:

  • Document not only what you've learned but also how you intend to apply it.
  • Ensure each reflection leads to practical steps towards professional growth.

By consistently applying reflective practice in your learning journals, you enhance your professional development as a teacher or trainer.