Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Over view of your assignments

Video 25 of 45
4 min 59 sec
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Assignment Submission and Learning Journals in AET Course

Submitting Assignments: One at a Time

Submit assignments sequentially: It's crucial to submit each assignment separately to the VLE.

  • Submit Assignment 1 and its learning journal first.
  • Wait for feedback before proceeding to Assignment 2.
  • Submitting all assignments together risks having all returned for corrections.

Writing Learning Journals

Immediate Reflection: Write the learning journal immediately after completing each assignment.

  • Reflect on what you've learned and how it applies to your teaching role.
  • Avoid excessive use of bullet points; essays are preferred.
  • Ensure your reflections are in the first person and specific to your experiences.

Reflective Practice in Learning Journals

Effective Reflection: Learning journals should demonstrate deep reflection.

  • Describe what you've learned from each assignment.
  • Explain how this learning will influence your professional practice.
  • Use examples to show application of theoretical knowledge.

Reflective practice is not merely summarising what you've learned but considering how it impacts your teaching methods and strategies.