Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Record Keeping

Video 8 of 45
4 min 16 sec
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Importance of Record Keeping in Teaching

Overview of Record Keeping

Record keeping is crucial in teaching for various reasons, ensuring comprehensive documentation throughout the teaching process.

Types of Records

Records vary among tutors but typically include details like attendee names, contact information, attendance logs, assignments, tests, and educational progress.

Format of Records

Records can be in paper or digital formats, or a combination of both, with compliance to Data Protection Act and GDPR regulations being paramount.

Retention Periods

Retention periods for records vary; legal and certification records may need to be kept for years, ensuring all records are legible and securely stored.

Examples of Records

Examples of records within the teacher and learner cycle include:

  • Initial assessment forms and application details
  • Individual learning plans and session timetables
  • Accident reports and disciplinary records
  • Assessment plans and feedback received
  • Complaints, appeals, and course evaluations

Security and Compliance

All records, whether digital or paper-based, must be securely stored to protect personal information under Data Protection Act guidelines.

Ensuring Compliance in Record Keeping

Before commencing teaching, familiarise yourself with specific record-keeping requirements at your workplace or institution to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.