Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Referencing an e-Book or Journal

Video 43 of 45
2 min 45 sec
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Referencing E-books and Journals

Referencing an E-book

Follow these steps when referencing an e-book:

  1. Last name, First name: Gravells, Ann.
  2. Year of publication (in brackets): Gravells, Ann (2013).
  3. Title of the e-book (in italics): Gravells, Ann (2013, Inclusive Teaching and Learning).
  4. Name of e-book collection (in italics): Gravells, Ann (2013, Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Information leaflet).
  5. Phrase 'available online' (in square brackets): Gravells, Ann (2013, Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Information leaflet [available online]).
  6. URL of the e-book (with arrows): Gravells, Ann (2013, Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Information leaflet [available online], available at
  7. Word 'accessed' and date: Gravells, Ann (2013, Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Information leaflet [available online], available at, accessed 27th August 2014).

Referencing a Journal

When referencing a journal article, include the following details:

  1. Last name, First name: Author's last name, first name.
  2. Year of publication (in brackets): Last name, first name (year).
  3. Title of the article (in single quotation marks): Last name, first name, year, 'title of the article'.
  4. Title of the journal (in bold): Last name, first name, year, 'title of article', title of journal.
  5. Volume, Issue and Page numbers: Last name, first name, year, 'title of article', title of journal, volume X, issue Y, pages Z.