Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Learning Styles and Approaches

Video 13 of 45
4 min 14 sec
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Understanding Learning Styles and Learning Approaches

Learning Styles Explained

Learning styles refer to how individuals prefer to learn and process information:

  • VARK Model: Visual, Audio, Reading, Kinesthetic learning preferences.
  • Honey and Mumford: Uses a questionnaire to categorise learners into types.

Learning Approaches Defined

Learning approaches pertain to methods used by tutors or trainers to deliver sessions:

  • Presentation: Delivering information verbally or through lectures.
  • Activities: Engaging learners in practical tasks or exercises.
  • Role-plays: Simulating real-life scenarios for skill practice.
  • Case Studies: Analyzing real or hypothetical situations.
  • Videos: Using visual media to demonstrate concepts or scenarios.
  • Demonstrations: Practically showing skills for learners to replicate.
  • Discussions: Facilitating group, paired, or one-to-one discussions.
  • Questioning: Formal or informal methods to assess understanding.

Key Differences Between Learning Styles and Approaches

Understanding the distinction between learning styles and learning approaches:

  • Learning Styles: How individuals prefer to learn.
  • Learning Approaches: Methods used by tutors to teach subjects.

It's important to differentiate these terms when answering educational questions.