Education and Training Prep Course

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Understanding Plagiarism in AET Assignments

Definition and Impact of Plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when individuals use another person's work without proper attribution, claiming it as their own:

  • Definition: Using someone else's work without acknowledgment, whether intentional or unintentional.
  • Impact: Can result in assignment rejection or referral due to lack of originality.

Guidelines for Avoiding Plagiarism

When completing assignments, adhere to these guidelines to avoid plagiarism:

  • Use of Own Words: Ensure all content is expressed in your own words, using "I" where appropriate to reflect personal input and experience.
  • Quoting and Referencing: Use quotes and references with proper Harvard referencing to attribute sources.
  • Word Count: Quotes and references should not be included in the word count specified for each assignment question.

Understanding Harvard Referencing

Harvard referencing is essential for citing sources accurately:

  • Include author's name, publication year, and source title when referencing books and journals.
  • For online sources, cite the website, publication date, and relevant details.

Impact of Plagiarism Detection

We use plagiarism detection systems to verify originality:

  • Assignments are checked against online sources and databases to identify any plagiarised content.
  • Even unintentional plagiarism can result in assignment rejection or referral.

Best Practices for AET Assignments

Follow these best practices to ensure assignment integrity:

  • Research: Conduct thorough research using credible sources.
  • Originality: Express ideas in your own words and avoid direct copying.
  • Feedback and Revision: Review feedback and revise assignments accordingly before submission.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain academic integrity and successfully complete your AET assignments.