Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Completing assignments - part 1

Video 26 of 45
3 min 0 sec
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Assignment 1: Role, Responsibility, and Boundaries in Teaching

Description of Assignment 1

Assignment Focus: Describe your role, responsibilities, and boundaries within the teaching training cycle.

Word Count: Recommended 300-500 words.

Guidelines for Assignment 1

Personal Perspective: All assignments are in the first person, focusing on your actions and decisions.

Structure of Response:

  • Introduction: Begin with an overview of the teaching training cycle, outlining its five parts.
  • Role and Responsibilities: Describe your specific role at each stage of the cycle:
    • Initial assessment stage: Define your role, responsibilities, and encountered boundaries.
    • Planning learning stage: Detail your responsibilities and how you enable learning.
    • Enabling learning stage: Discuss your role in facilitating learning and the associated boundaries.
    • Assessing learning stage: Explain your responsibilities in assessing progress and any relevant boundaries.
    • Quality assurance and assessment stage: Address your role in maintaining equality and standards throughout the cycle.
  • Continuous Cycle: Emphasise that the teaching training cycle is continuous and can start at any stage.
  • Include Boundaries: Discuss challenges such as paperwork, funding limitations, resource shortages, and initial assessment issues.
  • Word Count: Aim for a minimum of 500 words to ensure thorough coverage of the assignment requirements.

Conclusion: Summarise your approach to the assignment, maintaining clarity and relevance without exceeding the word limit excessively.