Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Completing assignments - part 7

Video 32 of 45
6 min 26 sec
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Types and Methods of Assessment


Assignment Focus: Explore various types and methods of assessment, analyse their strengths and limitations, discuss ways to involve learners in the assessment process, and outline strategies for providing constructive feedback.

Types of Assessment

Begin by identifying the three key types of assessment:

  • Initial Assessment: Conducted at the beginning of a course to gauge learners' starting points.
  • Formative Assessment: Ongoing assessments throughout the course to monitor progress.
  • Summative Assessment: Concluded at the end of a course to assess overall learning outcomes.

Methods of Assessment

Discuss various methods used for assessment, such as:

  • Group discussions
  • Questions and answers
  • Simulations
  • Observations
  • Practical studies
  • Case studies
  • Essays
  • Learning journals

Strengths and Limitations

Examine strengths and limitations of selected assessment methods:

  • Observations: Strength in demonstrating skills directly; limitation in time-consuming nature.
  • Group discussions: Strength in engaging learners; limitation in potential unequal participation.

Involving Learners in Assessment

Explore methods to actively involve learners:

  • Implement peer assessment where students provide feedback anonymously or collaboratively.
  • Encourage self-assessment through self-evaluation tools like checklists to promote reflection and improvement.

Role of Peer and Self-Assessment

Discuss the significance of peer and self-assessment in enhancing learning engagement and personal responsibility.

Constructive Feedback

Outline strategies for providing constructive feedback:

  • Utilise the feedback sandwich method: Start with positive feedback, address areas for improvement, and end with motivational reinforcement.
  • Limit developmental points to ensure feedback remains constructive and actionable.


Summarise the importance of integrating effective assessment methods and feedback strategies to support learner progress and development.