Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Ground Rules

Video 6 of 45
4 min 35 sec
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Establishing Ground Rules in Teaching

Importance of Ground Rules

Ground rules are essential in creating a structured and respectful learning environment.

Imposed Ground Rules

  • Basic health and safety guidelines must be adhered to, including fire procedures and designated smoking areas.
  • Mobile phones should be on silent; exceptions can be made for specific needs (e.g., vibrating mode).
  • No talking over others; everyone should have an opportunity to speak and be heard.
  • No eating or drinking during sessions unless specified otherwise.
  • Respect classroom tidiness and responsibilities for cleaning.

Negotiated Ground Rules

  • Agree on session timings and break schedules to accommodate group preferences.
  • Flexibility in adjusting schedules based on group needs (e.g., adjusting break times due to fatigue).

Implementation and Maintenance

  • Display ground rules visually via PowerPoint, flip charts, or whiteboards throughout the course.
  • Regularly review and amend ground rules as necessary, ensuring they are understood and respected.

Handling Rule Violations

  • Address minor infractions discreetly with the individual, focusing on solutions rather than embarrassment.
  • Utilise peer pressure positively to encourage adherence to ground rules.
  • If issues persist and disrupt learning, escalate interventions as per institutional policies, including potential removal from the course as a last resort.

By establishing and maintaining clear ground rules, you foster a conducive learning environment where respect and participation thrive.