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Citing and Referencing a Book

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Citing is the words you include within the body of your assessment. These are words that simply used to highlight that you are incorporating someone else's work, referencing is where you include the full details of the source of the information you've used. Referencing is completed in a separate section of your work, usually at the end. When citing your work, you will need to follow a particular process, this process changes depending on what you are directly copying word-for-word, or if you are using your own words, words to explain the idea or thoughts of another person. Citing should be brief and should lead the reader to checking the reference section at the end of the document for more information. The rules for citing when copying text word-for-word are; If you are copying word for word, then quotation marks are required, for example, Inclusive learning is about ensuring your learners have the opportunity to be involved and included in the learning process.

Then state the author's last name, the year it was published and the page number. This should be in brackets. Inclusive learning is about ensuring that your learners have the opportunity to be involved and included in a learning process, Gravels 2013 P1. Where you are adapting another person's words or ideas and writing your own words, you need to use quotation marks. For example, "Inclusive learning gives learners the opportunity to be involved." You will then need to include the author's last name, and then the year that the source was published, again, this must be in brackets. "Inclusive learning gives learners the opportunity to be involved." Gravels 2013. For both direct and indirect quotes, you need to indicate the source of the quotes in brackets at the end or at the beginning of the text.

This information leads the reader to the full information at the end of the document. Citation should only include a maximum of three pieces of information, this includes the author's last name, the year it was published, and if available a page number. When we're referencing a book, the start of your reference should always begin the same as the way you are citing. This is so that the source of the material can easily be found. References should be sorted alphabetically by the author's surname. Once you have all the information, it is time to start referencing. Let's look at the different sources available to you when referencing and then how you would follow Harvard referencing document in your findings.

Where you have found information from a book, follow these steps: Write the author's or editor's last name first, followed by the initial of their first name, for example, Gavels A. Separate these by a comma and put the year of publication at the end in brackets, then insert another comma Gavels A, 2013, put the title in italics or bold or underlined, remembering that only the first letter of the first word should be in capital letters. Add another comma, Gravels A, 2013, Inclusive teaching and learning. The place of the publication and the publisher Gravels A, 2013, Inclusive teaching and learning. London learning matters. This is often followed by things like series and volume numbers, which is often abbreviated to vol if applicable.